ODI Leeds joins the Icebreaker One journey towards a net-zero Covid-19 recovery

Icebreaker One has welcomed ODI Leeds as a partner on its Covid-19 economic recovery/net-zero programme, Project Cygnus.

Funded by EIT Climate-KIC, this project convenes partners from Global Open Finance Centre of Excellence at the University of Edinburgh, University College Dublin (UCD) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to support regions and countries in their economic recovery from Covid-19 whilst accelerating their net-zero carbon emission goals. 

At the end of the first phase of the project, Icebreaker One will develop tools, data infrastructure and policy recommendations, and suggest the economic modelling that’s needed to support a transition to net-zero investments.

Commenting on the partnership, Gavin Starks, Icebreaker One Founder & CEO, said:

“Collaboration is key to the success of Project Cygnus. The Icebreaker One team is delighted to welcome ODI Leeds to the  Project as a partner. They bring robust data expertise to the table to help us identify the use cases and data sources that will inform Covid-19 economic recovery.”

Paul Connell, Founder & Head of Innovation, ODI Leeds, said:

“ODI Leeds is very pleased to embark on the Project Cygnus adventure with Icebreaker One and help support the Covid-19 economic recovery. It is such an ambitious programme of work and fits so well with our mission and our #planetdata work, we are looking forward to mapping out the data infrastructure that will inform investment in a green recovery.”

ODI Leeds will support Icebreaker One with:

  1. Identifying what data infrastructure already exist to support the economy with a Covid-19 green investment recovery;
  2. Cataloguing data and building tools on the web, to help organisations contribute to and understand the data infrastructure and support decisions for investment in a green recovery; and
  3. Finding friends and partners to join in, collaborate and rapidly identify the use cases and data sources that support the work.

The Icebreaker One team is keen to hear from asset managers and investors in nations, regions and cities that are committed to net-zero. Please get in touch with Michelle at michelle.brook@icebreakerone.org to discuss or get involved. For more information about the project, our events and our wider work, sign up to our newsletter.