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Developing the data infrastructure to support a
demonstrably net-zero future

We help your organisation develop its Net-zero future. We convene public, private and academic experts to cocreate data-enabled products and services that create impact at scale. Together, we map and understand both sector-specific and cross-sector value-chains to deliver efficiencies, reduce risk and unlock innovation. As a neutral catalyst, we help drive change by working with government, policy and industry.

The drive towards carbon net-zero is a collective-action problem. Many organisations, across different sectors, and across the world need to work together to find a sustainable way forwards. No single organisation can carry out this work alone

Icebreaker One is a non-partisan not-for-profit, working to deliver this net-zero future in collaboration with our members. We bring together key stakeholders across finance, water, energy, transport, agriculture and the built environment sectors, and our existing Members include NGOs, industry, academia and financial institutions.

Together we identify the data infrastructure needed to reduce carbon emissions and then unlock this by creating standards-based marketplaces for environmental & financial data. Through our work, we aim to influence investment decisions of $3.6 trillion a year. We currently have three innovation programmes:

  1. SERI — Standard for Environmental Risk and Insurance
  2. Open Energy — an open energy ecosystem that works for everyone
  3. Cygnus — determining how we are going to finance a net-zero COVID-19 recovery

Organisations can join & engage as Members or Strategic Partners
Anyone can sign up to our newsletter to receive invitations, research and updates, or follow us on Twitter.

By joining us as a Member or Strategic Partner, you join this collaborative effort. Members are expected to actively engage and participate in our work.

In return, you will be invited to:

  • Share your use-cases, ensuring our work is informed by the needs of your organisation, giving you access to additional research and development,
  • Develop joint funding proposals with us and other Members,
  • Join our collaborative working groups, where we join expertise across silos, helping you to connect with and learn from experts across science, policy, finance and engineering,
  • Get involved with our innovation programmes,
  • Speak at Icebreaker One events and webinars – helping you raise awareness of your work towards net-zero,
  • Gain early access to our events.

The time for theory is over; find out more about Membership, and let’s work together to deliver net-zero.

Current members and strategic partners include:
Agvesto, Aon, Arup, Brit Insurance, Bird & Bird, EIT ClimateKIC, ClimateWise, Cambridge Zero, Dais, Lloyds Register Group, Solvere Infrastructuras, the United Nations Environment Programme and Willis Towers Watson.